(50% less annoying than before.)
The interface for Toonami Reactor 2.5 has been upgraded. No longer will awful frames cause confusion across multiple browsers. Now it should work across most browsers, though older versions of Internet Explorer may be problematic.
In addition, several features have been added:
- Video quality can be set and kept across multiple videos.
- Video timing can be adjusted.
- Ads, games, and bumps can all be toggled on or off.
- Obtain a video list just by searching a user's uploads. Saves a lot of time versus creating new playlists.
- Can now sort playlists/searches. Important as a lot of playlists are improperly organized.
- The Episode List box will now auto-scroll to the selected video.
Several bugs have been squashed:
- Double-play bug: This was caused by trying to correct the video quality after it loaded instead of requesting quality with the video.
- Removed auto-play from embed code as it seemed to interfere with the JavaScript auto-play.
- Removed Related Videos from embed code as it tended to get stuck when switching videos.
- Block-skipping: The player skips a chunk of video when switching videos. Probably solved or reduced in frequency. Related either to the embedded auto-play or video timing.
There are still some improvements that could be made:
- Allow the viewer to set how many episodes before a bump.
- Allow two searches/playlists to be merged (there are some difficulties in searching).
- Might even allow two searches/playlists to be "diffed" and "unioned" to add some better logic.
- YouTube also searches comments made by the video poster (or event commentators). This causes massive problem with searching, so may need a separate Title or Tag Search.