Friday, November 30, 2012

Naruto: Battle for Leaf Village

After a hurricane and power outage, we now return to a regularly scheduled update.  Just in time for Naruto's return to Toonami/AS, here's the best Naruto game Cartoon Network ever put up on their website:  Battle for Leaf Village.

Play Naruto: Battle for Leaf Village @ Toonami: Lost Data

(Select one of many levels.)

This is one of Toonami's more complicated games.  Each level has its own XML config file which controls enemy waves and map tiles.  Another file controls enemy and player stats such as maximum amount of health and the amount of damage attacks cause.  Naruto can collect different weapons for a more powerful attack, but with a downside that the weapon must recharge before reuse.

(Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?!)

If Naruto proves a success in the new Toonami, then in four years we may get new episodes. And then who knows? Maybe a new game... that's not on a PlayStation or XBox.

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